Saturday, December 13, 2008

Time's Top 10 Gadgets of 2008

Hello everyone! This blog is in the initial phase of its launching. I'm still fixing things here and there, sorry about that.

For our first technology post, here's a list of the 5 best gadgets of Time's Top 10 Gadgets of 2008. While the review itself is already very good, i added just a few insights of my own. Head over to for the complete 10 gadgets you can get yourself or a loved one for Christmas. Total technolust satisfaction guaranteed.

5. FoxL Bluetooth Speaker - a pocket-sized Bluetooth speaker for your MP3 player and a hands-free communication system for your car. It's like holding your eyeglass case, you won't even notice. The are mobility and wireless audio-on-the-go.

4. Nikon D90 - it's two digital cameras in one, a single-lens reflex camera and a single-lens HD video camera

3. Apple iPhone 3G - the ultimate craze of 2008, but failing just a bit short of the hype. Still, it's one of the best from Apple.

2. Mitsubishi LaserVue 65-inch HDTV - pricey at $7000, but if you have the money to spare, this is the "best TV money can buy"

1. Optoma Pico PK-101 - the top gadget this small pocket projector. Just plug to your ipod, project on any wall, and an instant movie experience (presentations would also do).


  1. nice content tnx for the info

  2. i'm thinking of buying a DSLR as a gift to myself... now i can't decide if i'll get nikon or canon :D

  3. hmmm...i'm wondering my name is being converted to "blog" in my comment here.

    at your Service!

  4. what model? give us feedback on your DSLR if you get one.
