Hello everyone! This blog is in the initial phase of its launching. I'm still fixing things here and there, sorry about that.
For our first technology post, here's a list of the 5 best gadgets of Time's Top 10 Gadgets of 2008. While the review itself is already very good, i added just a few insights of my own. Head over to Time.com for the complete 10 gadgets you can get yourself or a loved one for Christmas. Total technolust satisfaction guaranteed.
5. FoxL Bluetooth Speaker - a pocket-sized Bluetooth speaker for your MP3 player and a hands-free communication system for your car. It's like holding your eyeglass case, you won't even notice. The are mobility and wireless audio-on-the-go.
Nikon D90 - it's two digital cameras in one, a single-lens reflex camera and a single-lens HD video camera
Apple iPhone 3G - the ultimate craze of 2008, but failing just a bit short of the hype. Still, it's one of the best from Apple.
Mitsubishi LaserVue 65-inch HDTV - pricey at $7000, but if you have the money to spare, this is the "best TV money can buy"
Optoma Pico PK-101 - the top gadget this small pocket projector. Just plug to your ipod, project on any wall, and an instant movie experience (presentations would also do).